SQA Results 2019

Written by Ian Munro, Rector at Dollar Academy

It seems fitting that the Academy’s Bicentenary year has provided the backdrop for an outstanding performance in public examinations. Our pupils, who we are extremely proud of, have secured some of the very best exam results in the country.

The Form V pass rate at Higher, which is widely viewed as the national benchmark of academic success, stands at an impressive 95.7%. A remarkable 67.8% of our Higher presentations resulted in A grades, the highest figure on record, and no less than 60 pupils each achieved ‘clean sweeps’ of A grades in either five or six subjects.

Form IV produced a strong performance at National 5 level, recording a pass rate of 96.6%, with 72.8% of these at A grade. Form VI impressed too, achieving a 91.9% pass rate, with 42 pupils obtaining straight A grades. Pleasingly, all four pupils with Oxbridge offers met their conditions. When considering the achievements of Form VI, it is perhaps important to remember that the SQA Advanced Higher qualification is highly regarded internationally, with an A grade being equivalent to an A* grade at A-level.

Of course, away from the record breaking headlines, the important thing when it comes to exams is that each pupil does their best and they achieve the highest grades of which they are capable. Whether pupils have secured a straight flush of ‘As’ or personal bests with ‘Bs’ and ‘Cs’, every single pupil is to be congratulated wholeheartedly on their efforts.

At Dollar we expect our pupils to work hard, and I am delighted for our exam candidates that their energy and commitment has brought such great reward. I should also like to thank my new colleagues, for always covering that extra mile to support the best possible outcomes for our youngsters.

When discussing exam results, it is natural to think about ‘what next?’ for our pupils. Our list of the university destinations of our leavers is particularly impressive and can be obtained on the “After Dollar” page of the website.