Pupils Celebrate Success at National Gallery of Art Competition

Five pupils receive awards for artworks in national schools competition.

This year the National Gallery of Art’s annual school competition celebrated its 15thyear, receiving over 7000 entries from all across Scotland. Tremendous congratulations are due to the five pupils from Dollar Academy, who were awarded prizes and special merits in this prestigious competition.

Five Dollar Academy pupils were awardedThe packed-out awards ceremony was held at The Dean Church in Edinburgh, and it was tremendously exciting to watch Eilidh Scheuerl ( Form IV), Claudia Citro ( Form III), Caitlin Lowry (Form I), Laura Nicol ( Junior 1) and Tomas Nicolussi ( Prep 3) receive their prizes and awards. ‘The judges commented on the originality of their concepts,’ said Mrs Kelly (Head of Art), ‘and the range of media used to create their ideas.’ Eilidh Scheuerl’s etching was selected for the National Galleries website and Caitlin Lowry’s work was purchased by a member of the public who had seen her work exhibited at the Gallery of Modern Art (Caitlin donated this money to charity).

All the drawings and paintings went on to be exhibited at The Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, during the busy festival period and their works will go on to tour to key galleries across Scotland.