PSE Presentation: The BLM movement and racial inequality

On Thursday 11 June, Dollar Academy's PSE department welcomed Scottish Indian actor, Manjot Sumar, and playwright and activist, Mariem Omari, as guest speakers to discuss racial inequality and the Black Lives Matter movement with pupils in Forms III, IV and V.

Over 300 pupils took part in the Zoom debate which involved Manjot and Mariem answering questions from the pupils about racial inequality and the BLM movement with particular reference to recent global events. 

Mariem and Manjot were very impressed by the level of participation and enthusiasm from the pupils.  

We are very grateful to Manjot and Mariem for sharing their experiences and also thanks to Sarah Coutts in Form V for helping Miss Langley, Head of PSE, to arrange the presentation. 



Mariem Omari


Manjot Sumal

Black Lives Matter Activity Monday 22nd June 

Following the success of the PSE presentation, and the interest and ideas that it has sparked among the participants, all pupils in the senior school will take part in a Black Lives Matter activity on Monday 22nd June.  

This has been designed by Mrs Taylor (who runs the Dollar Academy Amnesty Club) in collaboration with Sarah Coutts and Lizzie Deekae, pupils in Form V. 

The activity aims to further the pupils’ knowledge about the BLM movement. It will also show the inequality many BAME people face and challenge pupils to critically consider images that they may have seen in the media.  The presentation is rooted in the wording of the Declaration of Human Rights and aims to inform them about the difference between the legal right to protest and the illegal act of violence and rioting.  

By the end of the presentation all pupils should have a better understanding of the BLM movement and its motivations, and be inspired to educate themselves on race and inequality.