Prep and Junior Bicentenary Harvest Tree Planting

On 15 November, pupils from Prep 4 performed in an assembly to demonstrate the importance of respecting our planet.

On 15 November, pupils from Prep 4 performed in an assembly to demonstrate the importance of respecting our planet.

The pupils recited a rap that they had created about the environment and also sang ‘What a Wonderful World’. The pupils encouraged the rest of the Prep and Junior school to make positive changes and to be kinder to the world around us.

After the assembly, the Prep and Junior school gathered outside for the planting of a tree, which is a part of the Bicentenary celebrations. The tree planting was completed by Annie and Esther , the youngest and the eldest pupils of the Prep and Junior school.

The children recited words and prayers about being thankful for the Earth and the importance of contributing to our environment in a positive way.