The class have been designing their own inventions as part of the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award and they have already enjoyed one visit from some local engineering professions; on Wednesday 17 January, Mr Tempany (from Ineos), Mrs Tempany (from Forth Valley College) and Scott and Dean (from Scottish Power) came to speak with them.
Engineering Extravaganza
In their continuing efforts toward this Award and the upcoming competition, the children also enjoyed an opportunity to show off their designs and pitch letters to some senior school staff and senior school pupils; their audience members were all very impressed. The designs range from simple everyday objects to more complicated inventions that children would like to see made at one point in the future; each child had to come up with an invention that the world or local community would benefit from. The design displays can be seen outside the Prep 5 classes, and visitors will note 70 different designs.
‘The pitch letters were challenging, too,’ explained Mrs Harewood (Prep 5 teacher) who is helping pupils alongside Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Murphy. ‘They had to use a page to write a formal letter to the engineers at the Strathclyde University explaining why their invention should win. None of this has been done as a home project (except thinking of an invention), so it is all hard work done in school.’