Each session had a different compere, Mr McEwan (History and Mods), Mrs Shillady (Marketing), Mr Christie (Music) and Dr Johnson (Chemistry).
They all contributed in different ways to the stories Miss McCord shared about her experience on Masterchef 2019. Stuffed pasta, venison loin, scotch eggs and lamb loin filled the auditorium with wonderful aromas. Everyone marvelled that Miss McCord was able to cook, chat and answer questions at the same time. At the end of each session, all the plates were clean.
Jilly nominated three charities, Alloa Food Bank, Dementia Scotland and Aberlour, who will share just over £1500, thanks to the generous donations from the audience. The recipes are below if you would like try them out at home – watch for a run on truffle oil – and enjoy browsing the photo gallery from the first session.
To view the gallery, please click here and select the “Masterchef Sessions” tab in the down bar.