Dollar Musicians Perform for the Women’s Guild

Three of Dollar Academy’s finest young musicians were invited to perform a recital at a Women's Guild lunch that took place at Inglewood House in Alloa. The boutique hotel and spa, a transformed Jacobean mansion house, made for a stunning performance venue, and the pupils offered some lovely solo music and also some traditional Scottish tunes.

Martina Sillence (Form VI) played some unaccompanied Bach and the first movement of a Mozart Violin Concerto. Aidan Humphrey (Form V) played the first movement of a Vivaldi Oboe Concerto and Archie MacKechnie (Form III) played two sets on his accordion—the first, a march, strathspey and reel and the second offering a more contemporary twist.

Dollar musicians have played recitals for the Women’s Guild in the past and have always been well received. ‘They loved hearing our musicians play,’ said Mrs Fitzpatrick (Director of Music), ‘and were very impressed by the quality of music.’