Dollar Academy Presents Prowise Screens

On 8 November, Dollar Academy was visited by 36 teachers from the Netherlands who attended a presentation discussing the use of Prowise screens within the classroom.

On 8 November, Dollar Academy was visited by 36 teachers from the Netherlands who attended a presentation discussing the use of Prowise screens within the classroom.

Dollar Academy has recently installed Prowise screens into the Prep and Junior school classrooms and also within the Geography department in the Senior school.

The screens allow pupils to enjoy an advanced interactive experience through digital education. Dollar Academy’s Director of Information Technology John Hughes, presented to 36 teachers from CBO-Meilan in the Netherlands the importance of the screens in terms of engagement in the classroom and active learning.

The presentation also highlighted Dollar Academy’s values and ethos, and how the Prowise screens contribute to allowing pupils to work hard and fulfil their potential.

The Prowise software provides a range of resources to support many subject areas. Being a Google partner, the content within the software is filtered and education appropriate, enabling teachers and students to search more effectively.

CBO-Meilan also had the opportunity to see these screens in action, through a tour of the Prep school and were delighted to see the array of colour and displays of pupils’ work on the walls.

Stephanie Shipley, Education Advisor from Prowise Scotland said: “On behalf of Prowise UK and Prowise NL, a huge thank you. It’s events like this that add impact to our partnership and having the pleasure of Dollar Academy being our reference school.”