These events are designed to give parents and their children, an opportunity to visit one of the school’s departments for a couple of hours in the evening. They will hear about the work of the department, look around the facilities, and – perhaps most importantly – try some hands-on activities that their children enjoy on a daily basis. In the case of the Art & Design department, there will be a focus on three areas: Printmaking, Ceramics and Digital Art, along with a display of our current Form VI portfolios.
The evening is very much an informal occasion, beginning with drinks and snacks, before the Head of the Department Mrs Cath Kelly speaks briefly, and then the visitors divide into small groups to try out the carousel of activities. The evening concludes with final refreshments and a few more words, at which time a presentation will be made to the department, funded by the Thrift Shop.
There is no charge for the event, but those wishing to attend are asked to book so that we have an idea of catering numbers and can tailor the activity sessions accordingly.
The event begins at 7.00pm and is expected to end at 9.00pm, but visitors are free to come and go as they wish.