A record 573 runners take part in the 2019 Senior Cross Country

573 pupils took to the hills on Tuesday 5 March to compete in the Senior Cross Country race - 170 more than the previous record from last year.

Over recent years the race really has become a whole school event with competitive runners, joggers, walkers and even cartwheelers!

Thankfully the weather was kind to all participants, including the 63 members of staff who helped to marshal and coordinate on the day. Well done to all who took part and, in particular, to the following winners:


Form I girls – Evie Penderis

Form I boys – Cameron MacMillan

Form II and III girls – Rachel Lang

Form II and III boys – Luke Kennedy

Form IV, V and VI girls – Sarah Coutts

Form IV, V and VI boys – Ben MacMillan



J1 girls – Jessica Evans

J1 boys – Dylan Kelly

J2 girls – Maddie Spiers

J2 boys – Thomas Ezobi