Trips and Visits

There’s nothing quite like the first-hand experience of another culture and way of life. Our wide variety of trips broaden the minds, and prospects, of our pupils.


From the Moroccan countryside and its vibrant community to the battlefields of the Somme – there are few places on the globe that our pupils haven’t ventured. Our job is to prepare them for the wider world, so naturally it’s only right that we offer a chance to help them discover it.

These trips and visits take many different forms. Cultural, social and political journeys that take in stimulating surroundings such as Haruki Murakami’s Tokyo, Downing Street or the gates of Auschwitz for example. We have exchanges with schools in France, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, and the US as well as departmental trips. These have included Art to London and Paris, Business to New York, History to the Battlefields of France and Belgium, Geography to Colorado and Iceland. Ski trips and sports tours take place regularly too.

Our Modern Languages department also host a variety of exchanges and trips throughout the academic year. The exchanges in particular are designed to encourage language leaning, experience different styles of education and are also beneficial for university applications in the future. To find out more about the benefits of our exchanges, click here.

Funding for additional overseas travel opportunities for Senior School pupils in Forms V and VI is available through the Cameron Travel Scholarship Trust and the William Dick Brown Travel Prize Trust. You can find more about these initiatives over on our Travel Scholarships page.

View more information on our overnight tours and trips for 2019-20 here.