If you are seeking to expand your horizons and grasp of current affairs Model United Nations is just what you have been looking for! MUN is a weekly co-curricular group of Form III and Form IV pupils that get together to discuss international issues and understand why there are differing perspectives and priorities among the various UN member states. Attempts to arrive at a resolution to a world issue will be discussed and will be either agreed, amended or failed.
There are opportunities each week to research different countries’ views about issues such as terrorism, climate change, responses to healthcare epidemics and nuclear weapons among other issues of global importance. You will become acquainted with diplomatic discussions and be able to improve or overcome your fear of public speaking. You will also be able to develop your leadership and critical thinking skills as we conduct our weekly debates.
There will also be opportunities to attend external Model UN conferences. These are diplomatic simulations where respect and cooperation are the fundamentals of the debate. This setting allows every participant to understand how existing international bodies work and the contribution they themselves can make to help solve issues and challenges that affect our planet today.
As former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan stated, “More than ever before in human history,
We share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together, and that is why we have the United Nations”.